The Stigmatized Reality of Me. Mini-Depressive Episode.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Why do I say stigmatized? Because I know I'm going to get comments that put me down on YouTube for posting this video. I'll get called attention-seeking, a cry baby, or possibly worse. I chose to post it anyway, because this is what happens sometimes. Not often anymore, since I'm pretty stable, but it happens. This is nothing compared to my lows - and I'm not sure I'd even be able to think of recording anything during a manic episode. Maybe one day we'll see; I have no idea. I had an episode of hair-pulling rapid-cycling tonight, and this was the tail end result.

The beautiful girl that says mommy a lot and "I like pie." That's my baby girl I miss so much.

The extremely talented boy playing the guitar and singing. That's my son that I want to hug so badly.


  1. Thank you for sharing Barbara. I was going through something similar so it was good to see I was not alone.


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