A Fresh Start.

Friday, July 4, 2014

As promised, a new beginning. A new era of writing for me. While it was tempting to start with some of my older blogs (like, WAY older blogs, since I haven't actually blogged since... 2011?), I think it best to start with a clean slate. You can get to know me, and I can get to know myself again, from the floor up... because quite honestly, I'm tore up from the floor up.

Naturally, I'd decide to write my first post on my work break, which isn't very long at the moment given it's a holiday. That sounded kind of contradictory, but hospitals never sleep; or I guess I should say the people in hospitals never sleep. I should know, I've been in one enough to last a lifetime. Regardless, holidays are extra busy for me, because I volunteer when no one else wants to work. Plus the extra pay is incentive enough.

So, while I must get back to it, welcome to the fresh start of a daily journey. Taking life one moment at a time.

Sometimes even one second at a time.


  1. I worked as a phlebotomist and I too, worked holidays. That's where it's at! I worked on-call which meant I was one of the first choices to cover for everyone. I know what you mean about hospitals after working and being an inpatient myself numerous times, as a child and once in a while as an adult for asthma. For mental health I have been hospitalized 9 times.

    1. I'm not sure why I'm JUST NOW seeing this comment. I hate technology sometimes. I do hope, however, that you are doing well right now!! <3


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