My Happy Thoughts.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

I've had such a rough couple of weeks that seem to only be going downhill, as far as the way I physically feel, I thought I would be proactive in trying to remain positive by making a list of things that make me happy, things I love, and things that bring a smile to my face.  I've been so exhausted, thinking it's just because I've been working a whole lot and life has been stressful. But, unfortunately, when combined with a few other things that are going on physically (everything minor by themselves, but as a whole creates a completely different and unexpected picture), it's much more than just simple exhaustion.  I refuse to give up, to stop moving; I refuse to completely give in to the tiredness. There are always things that will bring me joy or just make me close my eyes and take me to another place.

  • The sound of the ocean waves crashing and smelling the saltwater in the breeze.
  • Compassion.
  • The number 7.
  • The smell of fried chicken cooking.
  • Coffee. <3
  • Being able to breathe deeply.
  • Hearing my children laugh.
  • Listening to music.
  • Playing the piano.
  • The color blue.
  • Painting my nails.
  • Writing long letters to people I love.
  • Reading books while cuddled in a warm blanket.
  • Sitting by a fire on a cold night.
  • Helping someone in need.
  • Road trips.
  • Talking to my mom.
  • Singing.
  • Making sure other people know that they aren't alone in this world.
  • Creating a piece of art.
  • Restoring old furniture.
  • Going through picture albums.
  • Photography.
  • Taking hikes through the woods.
  • Camping.
  • Canoeing down a river.
  • Riding a horse.
  • Tattoos.
  • Eating mint ice cream with just a hint of chocolate.
  • Making dinner from scratch.
  • Curling up with my cat and napping.
  • Watching movies all day.
  • Playing with my daughters hair.
  • Bringing awareness to mental health and suicide prevention.
  • Telling someone "I love you."
  • Cool gusts of air on a hot day.
  • Roller coasters.
  • Disney World.
  • Window shopping.
  • Going to places I have never been before.
  • Meaningful hugs.
  • Fresh fruit.
  • A nice fitting pair of blue jeans.
  • Camo.
  • Cowboy boots.
  • Hats and scarves.
  • A thousand pair of earrings.
  • Random acts of kindness.

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